Holiday village
Biesbosch area
Urban designer
Alex Neves
Design masterplan
The concept for offering space for the water is lowering the dike along the Nieuwe Merwede as a result that the water will go into the polder. In the dry season you will always have two lines which are accentuated by repeating elements along the canals. The first part is a straight artificial line which is dug out in the straight lined polder landscape and van be seen as the input of the water. The other line on the other hand is going threw the creek landscape and is therefore more natural. This output follows the line of the old creek and has the same characteristics. These two lines come together in a central part where they are connected by other lines which are almost perpendicular to the input and the output, but parallel to an existing dike. The central area has a dike in the middle. This dike can be seen as a border between a natural and an articial area.
Design holiday village: Creek Village
The holiday village design is situated in the creek landscape, within the central area of the master plan. This area is very divers. Even though this area has a lot to offer, it is quite difficult to experience it all. The creek landscape is only accessible by boat. Nevertheless the experience, views and peacefulness is something worth doing. The creek village is designed first of all to experience the characteristics of the landscape.
It also adds something to the master plan. The structure of the village is created by water. By digging out straight canals on the one hand and a new creek with the old creek as starting point on the other hand I tried to make a balance between the natural and articial areas. The creek land consists of two parts separated by the bigger output creek. The western part is better accessible and has all the public functions like a new Biesbosch museum with an outside exhibition, a swimming pool and also a harbor to rent a boat.
The vacation houses are located in the eastern part, which is more private.The houses are accessible by boat which makes it possible for the visitors to experience the landscape over the water. There are two types of housing. One is the smaller types in the willow forest, and the other type can be found along the output creek, serving as elements which accentuate the waterline.